Parents or guardians who have a child turning 5 years old by August 31st of the upcoming school year and who live in the South Newton District, you will find information below to help you prepare for registering your kindergartener for school in the fall!

Documentation Needed:
The following documentation needs to be turned into the front office by the designated date each summer.
1) A copy of the student's birth certificate.
2) A copy of proof of residency (City of Newton bill, Duke Energy Bill, lease or mortgage agreement).
3) A copy of the legal parent or guardian's ID.
4) A copy of the student's most up to date shot records and the student's NC Health Assessment should also be turned in, if the student has received a physical since turning 5 years old.
Where to find the due dates:
Please watch our Facebook page for information about the dates for each summer.
Kindergarten Orientation:
Each summer, we have a Kindergarten orientation before school starts for students and parents. It is very important that your child is registered well before this r,
Please share this message with parents that you know will have a student joining the Tiger Family in August!